What Does Nick Berry Do?

I'm an experienced entrepreneur with a pretty decent track record.

I have a portfolio of small businesses. They each have operating partners, so I'm not very involved in the day-to-day. But I stay involved in strategy and working directly with leadership in each business.

I'm also an advisor and mentor to other business owners - only a few - who are looking for a trusted and proven advisor in their corner.

Learn more about me in this episode of The Business Owner's Journey: A Podcast Episode Entirely About Nick Berry

What Does That Mean to You?

That depends.

If you want to know "The 7 Unimaginable Yet Completely Obvious Things I Did to Get Stupid Rich In a Week - That You Can Do Too!",

Then I have nothing for you. I'm not your guy.


If you think things like:

- "Business is f-ing tough. I need to be around other people who help me think better."

- "I don't want someone to do it for me or tell me what to do. I want someone to help me make sure I'm thinking about the right things."

- "I want guidance, I just don't know who I can trust."

Then I might be what you're looking for.

I'm experienced. I'm trustworthy. And I like to help other business owners grow.

I've founded or acquired several dozen businesses. That includes some that didn't so well and some that really well. And a few have been recognized for growth, culture, and client satisfaction.

10's of thousands of business owners have used my instruction to grow.

The thing that I've done consistently across every business I've owned and that my companies have served?

I make business owners better at what they do.

It makes everyone and everything else more valuable. The leader is a very powerful lever in a business.

What's My Modus Operandi?

I'm all about constant growth as a business owner, be it in leadership or some other skillset. It's important to always be on a path of growth. (One of my core values is 'Relentless Growth').

But having good intentions isn't enough when it comes to growth.

There's a lot to learn, and we need that learning path streamlined as much as possible.

That's why my mantra has always been 'to shorten the learning curve for business owners'.

In slightly more practical terms:

I help business owners get better at running their business(es), faster.


My Methodology: The 'Business Alignment System'

The Business Alignment System is the framework that I've learned/adapted/created in my 20+ years as a business owner, in dozens of businesses of my own, working directly with hundreds of business owners.

Several 10's of thousands of business owners have implemented components of the system through coaching programs or self-implementation. I share it all in the Business Owner's Journey podcast episodes, but here's the overview:

The Business Alignment System has 4 pillars:

  1. Leadership Growth
  2. Strategy
  3. Operating System
  4. Feedback Systems

Leadership Growth

We do that by building a growth plan for 3 areas:

  1. Self (Your mindset, beliefs, how you see yourself as a leader)
  2. Support (the professional support system you have around yourself)
  3. Skill (Business acumen)

Business Strategy

We develop a clear, compelling direction for the business and outline a clear path to get there. But this isn't a direction just for direction's sake.

We're defining the 'North Star' for the business. Then, knowing we're going to have to earn our way to that goal, we create a plan that says 'here's how we're going to compete - and WIN'.

Operating System

We build an Operating System for each business that turns plans into productive, efficient action.

We make sure that there's alignment from strategy down to the day-to-day. It's structured, but only to the degree appropriate for the business. We design to allow for the amount of agility, autonomy, and brand identity that each business needs.

Feedback Systems

Lastly, we make sure we've got your finger on the pulse of the critical areas so you always have an idea of 'how are we doing?' , for both the business and for yourself.

Who Am I Best For?

Business owners who are driven to grow and improve as leaders and business owners, and are looking for guidance and resources.  They're interested in new and clearer ways to think about their world of business ownership.  They're after that next ‘Aha!’ moment.

Those who don't know what they don't know, but feel driven to find out.

My background is mostly with B2B small businesses, service businesses and content creators. The Business Alignment System will work for any business type, and any business owner with the right mindset.

I want to work with business owners who want to grow and develop, to learn how to think and act like the best business owner – and the best leader – that they can be.

Think That Might Be What You Need?

Send me a message here and we'll see what I can do for you. If I can't help you, I probably know someone who can and am happy to connect you.

Nick Berry Round Headshot

Nick Berry is an accomplished entrepreneur and CEO, whose track record includes founding and leading numerous companies since 2002.

He is also a mentor and coach to other entrepreneurs and business owners who are looking for a trusted (and proven) advisor.  

Among peers, colleagues, staff, and clients, Nick has been referred to as both 'The Business Guy' as well as 'The Anti-Guru', due to his pragmatic approach and principled leadership.

He shares his insights and lessons learned, along with those of his expert guests,
on his podcast, 'The Business Owner's Journey'.